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2019Wonder Foto Day  KANA KAWANISHI賞 河西 香奈氏による作品解説 】


KANA KAWANISHI賞には、内倉真一郎さんを選出させて頂きました。〈十一月の星〉と〈Collection〉という2シリーズ。






KANA KAWANISHI PRIZE: Shinichiro Uchikura

Shinichiro Uchikura was selected for KANA KAWANISHI Award for his two series "Star of November" and "Collection." "Star of November" was a series where Uchiukura photographed his newborn son, within 90 days since the new life arrived in this world. The simple images, purely photographed in black and white, left a heavy and fundamental viewing experience that cannot be named with normal emotions like "happiness" or "sadness." To confirm the indescribable resonance, I purchased the monograph and viewed it again back in my hotel. which naturally led me to tears. Perhaps the images have the power that is closer to when one stands in front of a devastating landscape within nature. "Collection" is a series of things left abandoned in his hometown Miyazaki, photographed as though portraits. The spontaneous dynamics of the people who reside in Miyazaki. The riotousness of us human beings. The eloquence of the things in silence who had finished their roles. Like his previous series "Star of November," this series too had a heavy and straightforward viewing experience, fully embracing what the medium of photography could do. The body of work also scoops an aspect of human society, making viewers rethink how humans have been behaving in this world. 

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